One of my favorite holidays is definitely Thanksgiving! I love everything about it. I think it is awesome to look back and really think about what you are thankful for weather it’s the small or big things. I also love getting to spend time will all my family even if for half the time we are watching football games. However, my favorite thing of all is eating tons of delicious foods!

Obviously, the traditional thanksgiving meal includes a roasted turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, sweet potatoes, and so much more depending on what your family desires. Then comes dessert!!! This could include anything from pecan and pumpkin pies to something as simple as chocolate cake or cookies.

Even though it is not a traditional Thanksgiving dessert turkey cupcakes are something very festive and fun to make, to get in the holiday spirit. They are super fun and easy to make.

First, all you need is cake batter or you can use the following ingredients to make homemade batter. Flour, salt, baking powder, butter, sugar, eggs, milk, and vanilla

For theĀ frosting all you need is… Butter, confectioners sugar, and vanilla extract

Now that you have your cupcakes all made, now is the fun but the sometimes challenging part. To decorate the cupcake to make a turkey follow these steps:

1. On one side of the cupcake in the middle put a 1-inch mound of frosting to represent the head.

2. For eyes on the mound put two white circles of icing with a black dot in each.

3. Add a piece of candy corn on the mound of icing for a beak.

4. For feather stick pieces of candy corn into the icing on the opposite side of the head.

5. Lastly, sprinkle chocolate sprinkles over the icing to add a little more sparkle and sweetness in front of the candy corn feathers.

6. An optional step is to add a line of red icing by the beak to represent the “wattle,” also known by many other names.

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